“Waldrop Construction, Inc. is able to take care of business while maintaining a safe, clean and efficient jobsite. In my 30+ years of experience in construction, I have never come across a contractor so easy to work with on issues such as these.”


At Waldrop Construction, Inc., our team is devoted to the goal we’ve set of zero jobsite accidents, injuries, occupational illnesses while striving to eliminate the potential for property and environmental damage. These goals, being viewed with the equal importance and all being given equal attention, are at the center of our Environmental Health & Safety Program.

As with our legal obligation, Waldrop Construction, Inc.’s moral obligation is to provide a safe workplace for all our employees, subcontractors, and the public. We also are committed to protecting the property and the environment in which we live and work.

We believe it is necessary to encourage all Waldrop Construction, Inc. employees and subcontractors to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to clearly identify safe and unsafe working environments and work practices. We also believe that all Waldrop Construction, Inc. employees and subcontractors have the right and authority to refuse to put themselves in the way of danger without fear of retaliation.

Safety is EVERYONE’S responsibility.

“I just wanted to take a moment and express my gratitude in regard to our building and your staff. We had a AAAHC survey last week. The Life Safety Surveyor who had been a Fire Marshall for over 30 years was in high praise of the structure of our building. He stated that this building and the fire walls, etc. was the best he has EVER seen. This has made our staff feel very safe.”


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The importance of safety training extends beyond a worker’s introduction to the job. Proper training encompasses situations when the projects working conditions change & progress through each phase. Without an understanding of safety practices related to the job, a worker will be at a higher risk for workplace injury, illness or even death.

Waldrop Construction, Inc. regularly facilitates safety training for all employees, however all employees are required to take the following training courses:

•OSHA 10 Hour Construction Training (General Labor/carpentry workers)
•OSHA 30 Hour Construction Training (Superintendents/Management Personnel)
•First Aid / CPR / AED / Blood borne Pathogens Training (All employees)
•Infection Control Risk Assessment Training (All employees involved with healthcare projects)

Additionally because repetition is crucial to learning, once a week, Waldrop Construction, Inc. management personnel will hold a Tool Box Talk meeting on-site. Training includes a formal instruction on common tasks involved with the applicable scope of work for the week. Please visit our Safey Library to access our Tool Box Talks!

Due to the diversity of project scopes, employees shall be trained in the proper safety practices that pertain to the work.
Required training shall be as necessary before work is to be performed. Specialized training shall include but is not limited to:

•Fall Protection
•Trenching & Excavation
•Respiratory Protection
•Confined Space Entry
•Hazard Communication
•Equipment Operator

“Inviting non-clinical contractors into a busy clinical unit is always stressful and disruptive, and even more so when it’s a busy OR where patients require special care in a unique environment. At least that’s always been the experience, until using Waldrop Construction, Inc. for a recent renovation project in surgery. The project went smoothly and we saw no impact to operational efficiency, but more importantly, we were able to maintain patient care at the high level our patients require.”

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